Saturday, January 3, 2009

January Birthdays

Ok so one of my New Years Resolutions is to keep up with everyone's birthdays this year. (I think that's one of my resolutions every year but oh well! We'll see how long this one lasts.)

Blake's close friend from Tech who he shared a lot of classes with (they were both Restaurant Hotel Management majors) Tahira celebrated her birthday on the first. Tahira's always a lot of fun to be around and she's living it up it San Fransisco working at the Four Seasons. Here she is with some other RHIM majors who came to our wedding. Including Mr Matt Tucker on the right who's a daddy of a big 6 month old cutie Trace!
Our niece, Miss Madelyn Davis, will celebrate her birthday on the 10th. I wonder what kind of theme her birthday will be this year? Madelyn's mom is a teacher and she's always coming up with creative ideas for the kids parties. Madelyn's always laughing and giggling every time we see her - here she is all dressed up before our wedding.

It also just so happens that that stud sitting next to her, Mr Teagan Davis, her brother, celebrates his birthday this month on the 24th. But he's so photogenic that I had to put up another pic of him. We had fun this Thanksgiving with all the nieces and nephews when they came to our house and we all played kickball. Uncle Blake had no problem throwing the kickball at the when they were running the bases and it was pretty funny!Blake's Pops will celebrate his birthday on the 24th. Pops is quite the cajun chef... he makes homemade hogs head cheese... now that takes talent. He's also a great gardener and taught Blake most of what he knows about gardening so Blake is ready to give him some competition this year with his first garden in our backyard. In the words of Iron Chef, we'll see 'who's cuisine reigns supreme!' Our good friend Jeff, pictured below with his girlfriend Jennifer who just moved to Houston (SOUNDS SERIOUS!) will be another year older this month. Up until we bought our house, Blake and I have either lived with or in the same apartment complex as Jeff. We just can't get enough of him and him corporate trash talk I guess.

Happy Birthday to everyone!

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