Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike update -

So it's Sunday and I'm praying PRAYING that everyone that's SUPPOSED to come in tomorrow shows their happy faces at work!

MD Anderson has officially activated the 'recovery' team so I only have to sleep up here one more night and come to work at 7 and wait for the other team to relieve me. I'll be one unhappy camper if no one comes in.

Mom and Dad are home with electricity and have their home all cleaned up. Jason and Christy are with them until Jason's APT has power.

Charol and Charlie's house, Pops house, and our APT still have no power but they're ok except for fence damage and downed trees.

We don't know about the new house. :/

Blake, Carol, Charlie and Pops will continue to stay at the Marriot until their homes have power.

That's all folks!!!

1 comment:

Bemily said...

Hey Sarah! I miss feels like it's been forever! ;) Hope you were able to catch up on your sleep from our never-ending sleep over! See you next week probably! How was your new house?