Monday, March 3, 2008

Ethel Maxwell

Another angel (a feisty angel I must say) moved into heaven today. My Mom's Mom, Ethel Maxwell, passed away today at 3 PM. She moved from Fairhope, Alabama about 16 years ago to live with us here in League City. We were able to care for her in our home for 14 of those years up until the point we decided to move her to a nursing home in March of 2006. She has been slowly deteriorating since that time until she passed this afternoon.
She was such a big part of our lives and we will miss her greatly, but it gives us peace to know she isn't suffering anymore. She's up in heaven with a clear head smiling down on us drinking a Budweiser with our Grandpa, George. (About 4 years ago after a few too many Bud Lights, Grandma wanted to get in Richard and Lisa's pool in just her UNDERWEAR. Since that time we had been secretly giving her O'Douls instead to avoid another streaking incident- so she's REALLY enjoying those Budweiser's tonight.) :-)
Sunday was such a wonderful experience for our family and I would not feel the peace I do now if I had not been for yesterday. Three of my mom's friends who she sings with at church, Suzanne, Marie, and Celeste all came to sing to Grandma and pray over her. A look of peace came over Grandma's face when they started to sing to her and it was so therapeutic to hear the church songs we had grown up with. She almost looked like she was trying to open her eyes when they sang her favorite, Amazing Grace. After singing we all prayed over her and loved on her some more and it was such a unifying experience for our family- it gave me such a great sense of peaceful closure about her death.
Thank you to everyone who's been keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. And in keeping with what Ethel would have DEFINITELY wanted - the crawfish boil must go on. Let's all have fun this Friday, bring extra jackets for the cold weather, and remember to peal a few extra crawfish and drink a few extra beers and our Ethel.


Linda said...


I'm so sorry that you've lost your grandma. She was lucky to have had such a warm relationship with your and your family, and I'm sure she was sooo proud of YOU. I know you will miss her greatly, but she is probably enjoying her time with your grandpa now...that comment about her swimming in her underwear cracked me up! Love, Linda

Rachel Tucker said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We will have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers on Monday. Love, Rachel and Matt